- Course creator: Gasca Giorgiana
- Course creator: Neamtu Bogdana
7.1 General objective of the discipline |
Familiarizes students in different types of program evaluation, including needs assessment, formative research, process evaluation, monitoring of outputs and outcomes, impact assessment, and cost analysis. Students gain practical experience through a series of exercises involving the design of a conceptual framework, development of indicators, analysis of computerized service statistics, and development of an evaluation plan to measure impact. Covers experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental study designs, including the strengths and limitations of each. |
7.2 Specific objectives
By the end of the semester, students should be able to: 1. Explain the major concepts in program evaluation:
2. Perform skills required in conducting program evaluation:
3. Write an evaluation plan |
- Course creator: Antonie Raluca
- Manager: Panescu Eugen
- Manager: Pavelea Alina
- Course creator: Radu Bianca
- Course creator: Radu Liviu
- Course creator: Andrianu Bianca
- Course creator: Țiclău Tudor