Program Evaluation Syllabus.pdfProgram Evaluation Syllabus.pdfRaluca Antonie_PROGRAM EVALUATION.pdfRaluca Antonie_PROGRAM EVALUATION.pdf

The evaluation of projects, programs and other evaluable intervention with the help of specific assessment methods and instruments.

syllabus fall 2020.pdfsyllabus fall 2020.pdf

Course description

The overall objective of the course is to familiarize students with the various ways in which the center-periphery relationship can be structured in an administrative system, focusing on factors determining this choice: administrative tradition in a country, external factors such as EU integration, and the broader administrative reform process. In the first part of the course we focus on decentralization and fundamental issues concerning the organization and functioning of local government and its relationship with central government. In the second part of the course, the emphasis is placed on developing the regional level (decentralized or not) and the European Union's regional/cohesion policy. In the context of Romania, we are mainly interested in the impact structural funds have upon local and regional development. 

Learning objectives: At the end of the class the students should:

-          Be able to discuss the phenomenon of state rescaling at the international level, with emphasis on current trends;

-          Be able to describe and analyze administrative restructuring (with emphasis on regional level) in Romania and other CE states;

-          Have a clear understanding  of the evolution of regional development policy (cohesion policy) in Europe and how structural funds contribute to local and regional economic development’;

-           Be able to analyze the trends in EU cohesion policy in the medium and long run and their influence upon member states, especially Romania.

syllabus spring 2020.pdfsyllabus spring 2020.pdf

This class is elective and it is meant to introduce second year Leadership students to the field of urban planning. It offers a broad overview of the structure and process of contemporary planning practice throughout the world. It will briefly review the evolution of cities and current trends in urbanization, with a focus on the rise of megacities in the developing world. It will highlight both the theoretical debates and practical challenges that planners are likely to encounter within different substantive subfields of planning practice; and discuss problem-solving techniques and strategies used by practicing planners working in different institutional contexts. The course is organized into three major areas: I) Evolution of cities and urbanization trends throughout the world; II) Evolution of urban planning and its functions; III) Fields and topics in urban planning (i.e. urban design, historic preservation, downtown redevelopment).

Learning objectives: At the end of the class the students:

-          Should have some introductory knowledge of the evolution of cities and their role in history.

-          Be able to describe some of the social implications of urbanization, and compare and contrast the different views of several authors.

-          Be able to describe the key features of the historic urban planning proposals of several key scholars.

-          Be able to describe the evolution of master plans/comprehensive plans and the structure/functions of the planning process, with an emphasis on the role of the local governments.

-          Be able to describe the contribution of some key authors to urban design.

-          Be able to describe in some detail contemporary issues related to social justice, citizen participation, and resolving conflicts in planning.

-          Should have a better understanding of the peculiarities of urbanization trends in some Eastern European cities.

-          You should gain some practical skills regarding team work, presentation, comparative work as well as empirical observation of urban spaces in reference to some of the class readings.